I would love an option to have a rota validations type section but designed for staff picking up vacant shifts and shift swaps that is automatically applied when staff pick up shifts or when showing staff which shifts they can pick up.
Currently I know we can get managers to approve shifts swaps and vacant however it would be good to have more automated just to help efficiency
Some ideas:
  • Where staff work across multiple sites cannot pick up a shift at one site then another at a different site unless ?? minutes apart
  • Cannot pick up shift if qualifications have expired
  • If already scheduled cannot see or pick up another shift at that time
  • Cannot pick up shift if shown as 'on leave' of any kind
  • To set the maximum amount of hours in a day so staff can't pick up too many hours
  • Set minimum time between one day and another - for example can't pick up on vacant or shift swap for example a 6:45 am shift after a 10pm shift
As a side point I know there are times that these do happen and thus I like the current rota validations showing as 'issues' or 'blocking rota' so giving that level of custom would be great. Thanks all!