'Create Leave' from rostered shift should prefill shift times
The Leave module needs better configuration, the platform has all the required data / information, but not being used properly. Relies on users to add information, defeats the object of streamlining process. For example, if someone applies for part day leave one has to insert times say 4pm to 7pm, which is expected, but then also have to populate number of hours 3!. If one is scheduled to work 9 to 7, once again are expected to populate the number of hours if requesting full day leave. Why can the system not recognise a full day leave for the rostered shift (in case of some one working 2 to 6, applying for full day leave is between 2 to 6!) and populate the hours?
We get a full day leave request of 9 to 7, and number of hours shown as zero. A team manager can make error and approve zero hours and the employee gets paid. See attached example. The person is scheduled to work 9 to 7!.
Perhaps the screen should also show the rostered hours.
Also, do not understand why the team field is not populated.
Matt Lehmann
In addition, the leave should be prefilled with the Team of the scheduled shift.
eg. if rostered shift is Team A, prefill with Team A. Do not prefill with Team C which was not the rostered team and which is the highest level.
I've seen this happen 50% of the time not sure what causes it.
Matt Lehmann Agreed !