New Leave Autofill Option
We have added a new leave autofill option: ‘Recent pattern of approved shifts.’
This new option reviews the 5 weeks before the requested leave date. If the employee worked that day 3+ times in the past 5 weeks, it will be treated as a paid day of leave. From here, it will calculate the average hours worked on that day over the last 5 weeks and autofill that as the number of paid leave hours.
This new option can be especially beneficial for full-time employees who work irregular hours.
To manage your leave autofill settings, navigate to
Settings > All Settings > Leave Autofill.
Note that our existing autofill options—Published Roster, Unpublished Roster, and Regular Hours of Work—continue to apply. Leave functionality won’t change unless you choose to apply this new autofill option.
To learn more about managing your leave autofill settings, see our help guide.